The Hearing God System



Hearing God isn’t hard. Because, God LOVES to talk. And he LOVES to talk to YOU.

I didn’t always believe any of this. I’d hear folk say things like, “I was talking to the Lord, and he said…”. I’d hear them say this stuff, and I’d roll my eyes, like, yeah right. But then, God started talking to me. Note: He was always talking to me. I just wasn’t listening and I didn’t know how to listen.

I’d love to tell you that this started a journey for me where I listened and heard from the Lord from that day forward and my life was forever changed for the better. I’d love to tell you that. But, I can’t. Because, it ain’t true. I went back to not listening to or for God, and doing my own thing. That was a critical mistake!

It wasn’t until many years later, and after many painful and devastating experiences that I realized that I could, wanted, and needed to hear what God was saying to me.

Maybe you want to hear from God for yourself about your job. School. Your health. An illness. How to grow your business. Your relationships at work and at home.

Maybe you just want to hear from God period. If you do, that’s awesome! I'd love to help you hear from God for yourself! And you can, when you follow the steps in my Hearing God System.

Hi! My name is Eric.

I help people hear God for themselves so they can know his voice, and get cool insight to help them be successful in life. I do that by taking you step-by-step through a proven process: The Hearing God System.

This is how it works:

First, we start by teaching and helping you understand that God still speaks today, and show you some of the unique, creative, and fun ways that he speaks to you – this way, you’ll be 100% clear that God is “talking to me”.

Next, we’ll discover what God’s voice sounds like to you, and learn how to understand and apply what you hear. Finally, we’ll identify the primary ways that God speaks to you, and create a go-to system for you which will help you easily know that you’re hearing from God.

Hearing God System

  1. Acknowledge and understand that God still speaks today, and he does so in creative ways that are unique to you.

How/Ways God speaks

  • Movies
  • Music
  • Media
  • Dreams and visions
  • Nature, weather
  • Spouse, friend, relative, enemy, stranger
  • Holy Spirit
  • God’s word
  • And many more!

2. Get to know God’s voice and what his voice sounds like to you. Here’s a few examples of what hearing God will and won’t do for you.

  • God’s voice WILL bring peace, and comfort
  • God’s voice WILL NEVER bring fear, doubt, discouragement, or condemnation
  • God’s voice WILL provide instructions from and healing for your past
  • God’s voice WILL NEVER throw your past in your face
  • God’s voice WILL strengthen, encourage, and comfort you
  • God’s voice WILL NEVER mock or ridicule you
  • God’s voice WILL often confirm what you already know
  • God’s voice WILL NEVER contradict his word

3. Listen. Apply. Do. (L.A.D. Method) Take what you hear from God, apply it to your life, do (take action) what you hear, and it will change your world.

4. Begin your exciting new life of hearing from God on a regular basis. Hearing God for yourself will help you:

  • Know the difference between the real and the counterfeit
  • Know the characteristics of a message from God
  • Better hear and clearly discern God’s voice for all areas of your life
  • Get insight and understanding
  • And much more

Hearing God System Recap

  1. Acknowledge and understand that God speaks and he does so in creative ways that are unique to you.
  2. Get to know what God’s voice sounds like.
  3. Listen. Apply. Do. (L.A.D. Method). Take what you hear from God, apply it to your life, do (take action) what you hear, and it will change your world.
  4. Begin your exciting, new life of hearing from God.

Listen. You might be saying, I hear a voice all of the time, but I’m not sure if it’s me, God, or something else. I feel like I might be hearing things about my future. Future events, and more. You might be saying to yourself, I feel like I should pray for someone’s healing from a disease, or I see an image of their right knee and they’re in pain. You might even be saying to yourself, I feel like I’ve got some wisdom that will help someone with a specific situation at work, school, or home.

All of these things are related to the prophetic and prophecy. What you just accomplished in our Hearing God System leads to this. Now, does this mean that you’re definitely prophetic or that you’re called to prophetic ministry, or to be a prophet? Maybe. Time will tell. What it does mean for sure is that you can prophesy.

Pretty cool, huh?! Check this out. If you want to learn more about the biblical gift of prophecy, and how you can prophesy, I’ve got an amazing and fun webinar coming up called, I Can Prophesy? I’ll help you get started on your prophetic journey.

You’ll Learn:

  • What is prophecy
  • How to prophesy
  • When, where, and to whom you should prophesy
  • Do’s and don’ts of the prophetic
  • Prophecy and the prophetic is fun
  • and much more!

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