Created. Called. Gifted. Skilled.

F.I.R.E. Starters

Unlock F.I.R.E. Starting Fearlessness and Unleash Your Inner Champion!

This is where your transformational journey begins.

This is where you get to travel deeper, faster, and further than ever before. This is where you become a F.I.R.E. Starter!

Are you ready to embark on a life-changing adventure where your personal and professional growth knows no bounds?

Look no further; this is the destination where your transformational journey truly begins.

F.I.R.E. Starters is your gateway to discovering the full potential that lies within you.

It's time to break free from limitations and soar toward the person you've always aspired to become.

With us, you'll travel deeper into the core of your being, faster than you ever thought possible, and further than you've ever dreamt of reaching.

In this transformative journey, we'll empower you with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to conquer challenges, seize opportunities, and embrace the greatness that awaits you.

From conquering self-doubt to mastering resilience, every step will be a testament to your unwavering dedication.

Are you ready to step outside your comfort zone and embrace the boundless possibilities that life has to offer?

F.I.R.E. Starters is the catalyst that will propel you toward your dreams and beyond.

Say goodbye to mediocrity and embrace the extraordinary.

Your transformational journey starts here.

F.I.R.E. Starters is an innovational 8-week program that will help you develop the clarity, confidence, and consistency you need to identify, attack, and eliminate your fears and blind spots so you can make more money, establish healthy boundaries, and spend more time having fun and connecting deeply with your family and friends!

One of the coolest things about F.I.R.E. Starters is that you get to emerge out of your current level and into what's upper-level, top-tier, and exclusive to you and only you!

F.I.R.E. Starters will help you discover and develop your i...





Create blazing wildfires of success when you...

Find Intelligent Reasons to Emerge out of _____ and into _____.

Find Intentional Reasons to Emerge out of _____ and into _____.

Find Important Reasons to Emerge out of _____ and into _____.

Find Impactful Reasons to Emerge out of _____ and into _____.

That's right, you get to go all Shawn Mendes on your roadblocks and barriers!

Cuz, baby, ain't nothin' gonna hold you back from experiencing your specific breakthroughs!

You won't have to wonder anymore about who you really are, what you're here on earth to do, and why you're here to do it.

You'll have a Funky Fresh Foundation to build on!

Because it's time for you to emerge. In fact, let's get you in the proper mindset right now.

You also get to say Bye, Bye, Bye to what's been holding you back!

That's right, you get to go all NSYNC on your roadblocks and barriers!

You get to say Bye, Bye, Bye to the lies and Hello like Adele to experiencing your major, specific breakthroughs!

You won't have to wonder anymore about who you really are, what you're here on earth to do, and why you're here to do.

You'll have a Funky Fresh Foundation to build on!

It's time for you to Emerge!

There's more to your life than just owning and operating your business, going to work, paying bills, and hoping that things will get better for you somehow.

Your business may even be thriving, but you go to work feeling like a robot.

You feel like you're in desperate need of a breakthrough.

You wake up every morning, drag yourself to work, and while you're there, you daydream, plot, scheme, plan, and vow that one day, you'll escape for good and live a life that you love.

You don't know exactly what you're going to do, but you know that you can no longer just sit by and keep letting life happen to you.

You know that you have to make something happen.

But what? How? When?

Here's the secret solution:

You have to start taking action.



You can no longer afford to avoid doing the real work that it takes to make significant changes in your business and life.

Not if you truly desire to create lasting impact, transformation, and change in your life.

You can answer the question that still lingers in your head…what are you going to do with your life?

You can escape from your stinkin' thinkin', believin', and speakin' about business, yourself, and your situation...

With The Dynamic F.I.R.E. STARTERS Process!

You will...

Emerge out of the way you currently think, believe, and speak, and into the best version of what you've been created, called, gifted, and skilled to do.

You will...

Clearly define what really matters to you in your life.

You will...

Maybe for the first time ever in your life, truly realize and know that there’s something mo betta for you.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It. Here's What Real Human Business Professionals Have To Say About Coaching With Eric...

"When I first began receiving prophetic utterances from you...every word stood out so boldly and I would feel a ping of sorts in my spirit. Low and behold it was more than what I anticipated.

I remember sitting in my daughter’s bedroom on the floor for that call, with my lap full of tears.

You pointed out details about me that you saw in the spirit that I was going through and even down to how I felt. You went as far as to answer questions I had asked God for so long that nobody knew about except me and Him.

Through our calls, I began to reach so many confirmations. The most significant one was towards my calling and purpose. Your teachings have not only helped me, but have allowed me to spill that same favour of God through to others.

The sessions helped me so much to the point that I wrote a book, which God directed me to do. I am confident in the provision that will come with God's promise.

I was so blessed through my sessions with you, that I received healing in my body with chronic back pain that hindered so much my life. I recall a feeling fire running down my back, then through my body.

The tears just continually flowed, but these were good tears. It was God’s presence filling me up.

Even my hands had fire run through them when you prophesied that would have the ability to heal people through the power of the Holy Spirit, as you saw a blue flame running down my back which I felt as you spoke it.

I feel my purpose and calling growing more and more by the day as I become better in obedience and trust in God. I have become flexible in my faith in letting Him take the reigns as I let go of working in my own strength.

You showing me God's power caused me to release my own understanding which held me back from all my potential. Thank you again, bro,

I will never stop thanking you till the day God calls me home. Your obedience changed my life. Thank you."


Owner, Kingdom Culture Branding Studio

Eric is a true professional and an amazing facilitator who energized our class and brought his best each night. His talent and more importantly his heart was apparent throughout our experience with him. I walked away a better person as a result of his influence. I'd be the first to sign up for another class led by Eric.


Senior Director, Premium Sales at Los Angeles Chargers

Eric was genuine in his facilitation, he knew the right time to ask the tough questions. His caring and passionate personality showed us he truly wanted our organization to grow and succeed. We are so grateful for his time and energy he brought to our team.


COO, The Dawes Arboretum


Enrollment Is Open Now!

The next 8-week class starts on September 9, 2024

Sessions are on Mondays from 7pm-9pm EST

Take the leap and invest in yourself today because, you are way more than worth it—unleash the unstoppable force within you and witness the incredible transformation that awaits!

It's Time For You To...

  • Have access to and utilize a thriving community that's there to spark, and support you
  • Advance into the best fit for your gifts, skills, talents, and abilities
  • Finally know the answers to the questions Who, What, and Why
  • Wake up excited and encouraged to get your day
  • Change your words, and literally watch as your world changes
  • Have confidence that everything you do will succeed
  • Create an invincible plan that will lead to your success
  • Take a leap of faith and answer God’s call on your life
  • Love what you get to do
  • Receive supernatural insight into your problems and get the solutions that will help you overcome them
  • Get supernatural wisdom and solutions that will help you break through barriers caused by limiting beliefs
  • Learn how to apply what you hear from God to your life, business, or calling

The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out. - Proverbs 20.5

The Dynamic F.I.R.E. STARTERS Process...

will help you develop the clarity, confidence, and consistency you need to quickly thrive!

Get Results Like These...

"Eric came through for me when I had late-night unexpected crises to resolve..."

“Eric’s communication style and coaching methods were prompt, and on point. He was readily available for me, came through for me when I had late-night unexpected crises to resolve. He was clear in his approach with me, present, and always supported my space to understand, process, and respond.”

“I absolutely recommend Eric to people and organizations that need to build a business, become more disciplined, create stronger markets, connect to helpful resources, and most of all, develop their leaders while growing a sustainable business!"


Owner, The Art of 3 LLC

"I am beyond blessed to have met Eric..."

I sat for an hour-long session with Eric J. Watts. During that encounter, he told me that I had a “greater gift,” which, at the time, was not on full display in my life.

A month later, while on holiday at home in the Caribbean, an opportunity that I was not expecting started to materialize. I started inquiring about opening a boutique on the island, and doors began to open for me in ways I can hardly explain!

By July of 2021, I signed a commercial lease for Cocoplum Luxe Clothier. On January 22, 2022, we celebrated the official grand opening. I wish I could say I did this on my own, but there is absolutely no way. It was all God.

As this new adventure begins, I look to God first for guidance and lean on my relationship with Eric for spiritual support. I am beyond blessed to have met Eric and so grateful for that conversation we had in March 2021. 🙏🏾♥️


Owner, Cocoplum Luxe Clothier

Some Of What's Included

In Your 8-Week Journey With Eric:

  • F.I.R.E. Starter Kit (mailed to you)
  • 8 live teaching calls with Coach Eric + 2 BONUS live teaching calls
  • Develop your Who, What, and Why
  • Create your Ice Cold Intro
  • Discover your i (Intelligent, Intentional, Important, Impactful)
  • Top 3 secrets to discover and accelerate your calling
  • 20+ dynamic action steps to help you have immediate success
  • Life-giving assignments that will help you create lasting impact
  • Creation of 4 Emergence Videos to increase your clarity, and confidence
  • Power of 5 quiet minutes
  • Creation of your personal mission and vision statements
  • Creation of your soundtrack
  • BONUS: 2 additional live teaching calls w/q&a
  • BONUS: OG Start A Fire Training
  • BONUS: How To Solve ALL of Your Clients' Problems
  • BONUS: What God's voice sounds like to you
  • BONUS: Easy tips to help you hear God for yourself
  • BONUS: Career 2 Calling Training
  • BONUS: WE Leaders: Sharing Principles of Faith…To Help You Grow (mailed - limited supply)
  • BONUS: Faith: The Other Side of Fear
  • BONUS: Creating A New You parts 1 & 2
  • BONUS: Inspiration On The Go
  • BONUS: Quick Hits for Leaders
  • BONUS: 7-Day Devotional - Faith Infusion: Believe God At Your Own Risk!

Note: All items will be provided electronically unless otherwise noted.

*Note: Becoming a founding member of the F.I.R.E. Starters Mastermind (FSM) is optional.

No More Delays. It's Finally Your Turn.

It's Time For You To Redeem Your Story.


"This is truly a blessing :)"

"My sessions with Eric were very impactful. Thank you for allowing God to use you through this coaching to reach me and others. This is truly a blessing:) definitely looking forward to next session, listening to more of your products, and continuing this journey with you."- Darrien Sroka, FedEx Ground Transportation


FedEx Ground Transorptation

"From the first session, I found myself taking action on critical professional and personal growth initiatives"

"I am a Project Executive for Kast Construction, a company that specializes in commercial construction but has a strong focus on building success through growing its leaders.

We wanted to reinforce our culture of trust and decentralized command by providing our leaders with a growth opportunity that was as specific to them as possible both professionally and personally.

Eric made it a point to first learn about me as a person which I think was critical to him later providing accurate assessments of challenges I was facing and effective solutions/approaches to overcoming them.

From the first session, I found myself taking action on critical professional and personal growth initiatives which greatly improved balance and time management in my life.

I absolutely recommend Eric to organizations that understand their people are their best asset and want to provide their leaders with personalized growth opportunities that will inevitably transfer to the success of the organization.”


Project Executive


- Overwhelmed by the avalanche of information on establishing the right mindset

- Lost and unsure of the next steps to grow your business

- Exhausted from not making the income you desire in your business

- On the verge of giving up because nothing you've tried has worked so far


- Gain crystal-clear clarity and direction for your business

- Feel a surge of confidence in your ability to make real money as a business professional

- Leave with new goals and a concrete action plan for your next steps

- Have the confidence you need to take control of your income through your business

This is the only training of its kind available right now.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is different about your program?

You get the best of both worlds. Eric combines the spiritual with the practical, and he'll show you how to use and execute both. He firmly believes in the teach a man to fish proverb. Finally, the results of his clients speak for themselves.

Why is this better than just purchasing a learn-at-your-own-pace coaching program online?

You get LIVE help from Eric in a group learning environment on a weekly basis. Think of it like this: You could learn to golf by watching YouTube videos about any aspect of the game. But, if your goal is to make it to the PGA /LPGA, you're going to need real help from a real Pro Golf Coach with a proven track record of getting their students to the PGA / LPGA. That's what you're getting with Eric. Just don't ask him to help you become a professional golfer.

Can I speak to you directly?

You'll talk to Eric at least once a week on the calls, sometimes more.

How long will it take to see results?

Immediately! However, this depends primarily on you. Eric can't guarantee that you'll put the necessary work in, apply and execute what he'll teach you. There are a lot of different factors that will determine how fast you see results. In other words, the time in which you will see results will vary. Seriously.

Still, let's hit a few of the most important ones:

- A clear definition from you on what results you hope to achieve.

- What's your stated goal?

- What's your deadline to accomplish your goal?

- How hard will you work to achieve your goal and how will you measure and track this?

- Do you have clear, established accountability goals.

- How far along are you with what you'd like to accomplish before Eric begins coaching you?

- Are you willing to be honest with Eric, but more importantly, with yourself about the kind of effort and work you'll be doing?

See what we mean? This list could go on forever. These are just a few examples of what and how long it will take you to see results.

What if I'm still not sure?

We understand.

You're making an important decision to invest in yourself.

Here's some free coaching advice from Eric: do not click the button below to move forward. Seriously, don't do it. Instead, take some time to pray, talk with your loved ones, make a list of pros and cons, and anything else you need to do that will help you feel satisfied with your decision. It would be best if you were sure that you're ready to transform your life.

Because, once you click that button...

You'll be one step closer to living your brand new life that you're gonna love.

If you're not ready to take that risk, stop right here and do not read any further.


Eric takes what he does VERY SERIOUSLY.

He knows how much God loves you and how highly he values you.

This means, there's NO WAY Eric will ever cheat or mistreat you in any way.


Enrollment Is Open Now!

The next 8-week class starts on September 9, 2024

Sessions are on Mondays from 7pm-9pm EST

Choose Your Plan

$55,000+ in value for only $3,497!

(The price will increase to $3,997 for the class beginning September 9, 2024)

Option 1:

One-time payment

$3,997 TOTAL

Option 2:

3-payment plan

$1,333 x 3 months

$3,999 TOTAL

Option 3:

12-payment plan

$333.09 x 12 months

$3,600 TOTAL

Secure Your Spot Today!

The price will increase to $3,497 for the class that begins on June 24, 2024

PS: If you continue to play small, believe small, and think small, you'll keep getting small, barely noticeable results.

Throw small aside and step into all of the BIG surprises and creative solutions God has for you.

As you take this step forward toward your brand-new life, we're here for you.

If you're ready to live a life full of passion, purpose, growth, and connection, let's get to work.

Still got questions? Schedule a call with Eric!

Eric J. Watts is a dynamic coach, leadership development expert, and teacher who helps business professionals develop an abundance Mindset, clarify their Messaging, so they can make more Money.

Eric J. Watts ©2024 All Rights Reserved

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